Your inventory at your location. Delivered automatically to your website.

Your inventory at your location. Delivered automatically to your website.

eVN and FordDirect’s VINReal is a first of its kind digital merchandising solution – making it easy for Dealers to showcase both exterior and interior images of their inventory at a fraction of the cost.

VINReal automatically generates VIN-specific images of new dealership inventory within 24 hours of an In-Transit status. The platform keeps new inventory imagery accurate and fresh on dealership websites, while cutting the cost, time and effort associated with on-site photography. This product is one of the first of its kind and FordDirect is committed to delivering an exceptional experience for our Dealers and their customers.

Customize the way you represent your In-Stock and In-Transit vehicles with VINReal Custom Backgrounds. Dealer’s enrolled in VINReal can choose from 8 new background options, including a customizable “Dealer Wall” image with your dealership name. Log in to Vehicle Locater Plus to explore your options!



All-In Costs for Traditional Photography can run upwards of $40/vehicle. AutoGraph eliminates the vendor fees and logistical costs of on-site vehicle photography. 


Merchandise every vehicle from the moment of invoice 4150 – as soon as the vehicle is serialized, we create and deliver the vehicles images directly to your website.


Don’t settle for reused stock images. eVN AutoGraph creates unique CGI images for your digital merchandising needs – 100% product correct, delivered automatically to your site.


Make sure your entire new vehicle inventory is online. With AutoGraph you can guarantee 100% of your stock is online 100% of the time – not only on delivery but also while in-transit.


Our DIY Photography program can capture your unique dealership brand -reinforcing that the vehicle your customers are shopping for is at your store now.


"This is a no brainer for a dealership. "

"Number one, it’s going to be cheaper than any outside source..."

Save up to 80% vs. photography

Save up to 80%

vs. photography

With all-in photography costs upwards of $40 per unit (incl. personnel, vehicle prep, etc.), there are hidden costs piling up before you can get the photographs of your vehicles online. 

VINReal can eliminate those “extra” costs associated with photography, while streamlining the entire process for your team. That amounts to a savings of almost $29,000 annually for the average dealership*.

*Average Dealer based on 2018 NADA Dealer Statistics

Activate $9.6M worth of inventory

Activate $9.6M

worth of inventory

At any given time, up to 30% of your inventory may not online yet due to reasons out of your control. Let your customers know you have the car or truck they are looking for now.

VINReal sends 100% your new vehicle inventory to your website automatically; getting your new vehicle inventory online instantly. and eliminating virtually all delays in your online merchandising strategy.

*Average Dealer based on 2018 NADA Dealer Statistics

Customers 53% more likely to buy

Customers 53%

more likely to buy

Online shoppers want to know that the pictures they see are the actual vehicle they are looking for. Research shows they are 53% more likely to purchase a vehicle with accurate VIN Specific imagery, vs. stock images*. 

VINReal builds product-accurate images for every VIN in your inventory upon serialization. Build trust with your customers and make sure that they know their next car is at your dealership.

*Kelly Blue Book Customer insight

How much will your dealership save with VINReal?

// Standard Background

High-quality representation of a standard, brand-aligned facility image. Each vehicle is placed on the appropriate branded background.

This option is included with your VINReal subscription.

// Enhanced Background

9 available Ford and Lincoln dealership options to choose from, Dealers can select one of three background angles (Left, Right, Center) and add your dealership name and/or brand logos to the building.

// Self-Shoot (DIY) Background

eVN will provide instructions, a custom site survey and all the guidance needed to take your own background photo for the solution.

Once returned to eVN, our professional team will individually edit the image; removing blemishes, adjusting lighting, and color balancing for the ideal representation of your dealership brand.


Play Video

By combining accurate 3D models with the product feature information contained in each VIN, VINReal generates VIN-specific photo-real images of the vehicles in your inventory.  

These images can be placed with actual photographs of your dealership to make it appear that the vehicle is sitting in front of your dealership. Check out the short video below for more details!

Seamless Integration with leading 3rd Party Inventory Providers

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Don’t see your inventory provider listed? Let us know so we can build a custom integration!

Dealer Testimonials

Dealer Testimonials

Bring your Dealership Brand to life with custom background photography

Creating a personalized site survey and maintaining direct communication, ensures our photography team gets you the image you’re looking for.

With photographer partners in over 250 markets around America, we can have a photographer at your location quickly no matter where your dealership is located.

Each photo is individually edited; removing blemishes, adjusting lighting, and balancing colors so your brand is best represented.

Customized Look and Feel

Creating a personalized site survey and maintaining direct communication, ensures our photography team gets you the image you're looking for.

Professional Photo Retouching

Each photo is individually edited; removing blemishes, adjusting lighting, and balancing colors so your brand is best represented.

Nationwide Network of Photographers

With photographer partners in over 250 markets around America, we can have a photographer at your location quickly no matter where your dealership is located.

Sign Up for VINREAL Today!

Sign up now through FordDirect and get all started TODAY!